Paleontologist & Marine Biologist

Bertrand Martin-Garin

"To the bitter end, Robinson’s island has blessed us. What a sight! And when it is often said that the islands are the crossroads of utopias, it is clear that the promise of the islands has been widely held tonight and all those that we crossed on our way, gratified us with great generosity of their unexpected and exceptional.
Perhaps, there is an element of reflection or meditation to keep in our luggage after our visit to Easter Island, because when we analyze the factors that led to the end of the Easter Island civilization, the first of them is blindness. What was thinking the resident who cut down the last tree on the island? Somewhere we see that in the end of this world as another civilization, there is in common a rejection reasoning in a finite world therefore inherently vulnerable and we ask when observing our own civilization if we are not to reproduce stubbornly this syndrome island, ignoring that we are in a closed world and therefore – unless having alternative planets, but for the moment that is not the case – we cannot demand or expect too much from the planet that it can give us or sustain. In fact, we are with the planet on an island in the middle of the Cosmos. We are all islanders and it might be time to realize!". Nicolas Hulot — Ushuaïa Nature – L'île de Robinson. © TF1
"There has been progress. This famous progress! Undeniable! Like many I took it for long as an irreversible process in which hands we could let us go. We built roads in the desert; we brought men to each other. I observe us, standardized virtually disintegrated. I look at us shunted around between the virtual and the real that we cannot more distinguish. How to resign when we see that the superfluous of ones is unlimited while the need of the others is not even satisfied. We should not admit that because it is simply unacceptable... "That change will begin with you..." I believe in abundance and finally I discovered rarity. I was not born ecologist, I have become. The dominant economic model is not the solution, but the problem. I am also a child of this consumer society. I must go step by step to more consistency. Far, am I really ready to go into the choice, ready to live a life of renunciation?" © Teaser of the movie The Titanic Syndrome by Jean-Albert Lièvre & Nicolas Hulot

"The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment." © WWF
"Our association's Life, its Freedom of Expression and Action relies on you.
Give to our future generations the wonders of wild life, the emotion of meeting with dolphins and whales."
François SARANO – Founder President. © Longitude 181 Nature

Bertrand Piccard
"I wanted to go looking for new ideas blowing in the wind, to try and function better on earth as a doctor and a human being"
The inspiring adventure of the first non-stop round-the-world balloon flight in Breitling Orbiter 3 earned Bertrand Piccard the tag of “Inspioneer”. Bertrand’s immediate forefathers were explorers and scientists who conquered the stratosphere and the ocean depths, so he seemed predestined to perpetuate one of the 20th Century’s greatest family sagas. Bertrand Piccard seeks to combine his family’s scientific heritage with his own ambition to tackle great challenges of our time. As much an explorer of human values as of the external world, his motivations are the pioneering spirit and a drive to surpass personal limits, qualities which he communicates in his lectures, books and interviews.
"Adventure in the 21st Century consists of using human ingenuity and the pioneering spirit to develop the quality of life that present and future generations deserve to have" Bertrand Piccard © http://bertrandpiccard.com/home

Vincent Berthet
Alban Michon

"Since first being “thrown overboard” by his father at the age of seven with newly invented SCUBA gear on his back, Jean-Michel has been exploring the ocean realm. The son of ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau, Jean-Michel has investigated the world’s oceans aboard Calypso and Alcyone for much of his life. Honoring his heritage, Jean-Michel founded Ocean Futures Society in 1999 to carry on this pioneering work.
Ocean Futures Society, a non-profit marine conservation and education organization, serves as a “Voice for the Ocean” by communicating in all media the critical bond between people and the sea and the importance of wise environmental policy. As Ocean Future’s spokesman, Jean-Michel serves as an impassioned diplomat for the environment, reaching out to the public through a variety of media." © Ocean Futures Society
"The International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) was founded in 1980 and membership has increased rapidly in recent years. The principal objective of the Society is to promote the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge and understanding of coral reefs, both living and fossil.
Coral reefs throughout the world are currently facing significant pressures from global climate change and direct anthropogenic stresses.
The ISRS represents a unique source of substantial expertise and information about coral reefs, many facets of which relate to issues which bear on a much wider community." © ISRC
"SOS Grand Blanc (SOS Great White) is an organization under french law of 1901 with a non-lucrative goal. It was declared to the prefecture of the Gironde on June 2, 2003 having the role of taking all actions in favour of the protection of sharks and mainly of the Great White Shark. The underwater photographer, Patrice Héraud, specializes on the sightings of sharks and is the President and founder.
Its actions are to make known the Great White Shark to the general public through conferences, exposures, participations in festivals, TV and radio. The principal goal is to buy satellite transmitters which will be offered to the Fox Shark Research Foundation and will be posed by Australian scientists." © SOS Grand Blanc